The Cormorant Advantage
Cormorant RetrieverTM Rodless Rod-Pump System
2016 ICOTA Intervention Technology Award Finalist
Most Economical Pumping System
Rig-less Intervention
Eliminating Rod/Tubing Wear
Lifespan Lift System
Giving Control Back To Operators
No Deferred Production
Most Economical Pumping System:
Cormorant Retrievertm Rodless Rod-Pump System offers the most economical pumping solution for deliquification of O&G wells, without compromise in performance. From completion, operation, and serviceability; the RetrieverTM is designed to bring your wells MAXIMUM returns.
Increased Reliability:
The RetrieverTM System is a positive displacement pump technology. By combining robust rod pumping technology, with hydraulic reciprocation, we gain the advantage of rod pumping with out the negative effects of mechanical rod and tubing wear. The RetrieverTM system is designed to work in both vertical and horizontal applications, as well as everything in between. Intrinsic to the Retriever design, it offers increased Gas and Solids handling
Rig-less Intervention:
The leading expense on any Artificial Lift system is the cost intervention. Reason for intervention vary, but the result is the same, it cost time and money to rectify. The more challenging the well profile the more frequent the intervention. Most often it will require a rig to come to location and work over the well. This is among the most costly forms of intervention and can jeopardize the financial viability of the well. The Cormorant RetrieverTM System has the ability to retrieve the entire mechanical system from the down-hole WITH OUT A RIG.
Lifespan Lift System:
In efforts to MAXIMIZE operators returns over the life of the well. Cormorant has developedM a multi artificial Lift completion. This completion has the ability operate a jet pump, Cormorant RetrieverTM, and velocity String. All without bringing a rig on site to transition from one form to another. This eliminates the cost of transition while giving the operators a tool kit of solutions to meet their needs.
Giving Control Back To Operators:
Traditional type 2 Artificial lift require the assistance of 3rd party services for an intervention. Cormorant's RetrieverTM System gives the Operators control of their well. Rate, intervention, even type of A/L being utilized are given to the operator to Control, All without the need to bring out a rig.
No Deferred Production/Minimum Downtime:
Unlike most pumping systems, which are permanently deployed. The RetrieverTM System is designed to be rebuilt and recommissioned. The only components that are permanent to the well are the static tubulars. All dynamic parts are serviceable without working over the well.
When cycled with a spare pump, an operator can benefit from minimum downtime and no deferment in production. A pump swap can be completed in a couple of hours. No more dependence on 3rd party service rigs costing valuable time and money.
Wells Change, Your Completion Doesn't Have Too
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